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Bye bye jewellery!

August 22, 2011

Well, I was riding on the metro in Santiago the other day, and I happen to be wearing one of my favourite bracelets.

This was nothing out of the ordinary, I like wearing bracelets, and I’ve worn them countless times while riding on the metro. I never wear expensive stuff on the metro, but they do have sentimental value.

On this day though, I got robbed, and I didn’t even know it. It was only much later when I’d already gotten off the metro and was already on my merry way down the street that I realized something was missing.

The bracelet was gone. And no, it didn’t fall off – it was a very robust bracelet, one that I wore often and it had never fallen off. Someone must’ve take it off while I was standing in the metro holding onto a bar for balance.

The Santiago metro gets very cramped – I mean really!! Squashed up uncomfortably tight against complete strangers sometimes!! I try to avoid this, as it occurs during peak hours, but twice I have found myself in the “sardine can” version of the metro. It was like this when my bracelet disappeared.

I’m strangely fascinated though, at the nimble and fast skill of people to take things from your person and you’re not even aware of it. If only they’d dedicate themselves equally to more useful skills – well, I can daydream right?

So lesson of the year: do not wear ANY jewellery on the metro! Most times nothing happens, but there will come a time when you will lose something of high sentimental value on this ride.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. August 22, 2011 19:33

    my first week in chile i got my birth control and cell phone stolen out of my pocket without even realizing it until later. there pick pocketers are like ninjas here!

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